Fire, Ambulance, & Rescue Department

Carson Volunteer Fire, Ambulance, & Rescue
127 Broadway, Carson, IA  51525
PO Box 446, Carson, IA  51525
Emergency call 911
Non Emergency (712) 484-3698

The City of Carson contracts with Quick Med Claims (QMC) for it's ambulance billing services. 

Carson Fire Station

Carson Volunteer Fire and EMS Department

The Carson Volunteer Fire & EMS Department is looking for someone like you!

Our department consists of over 20 professional volunteer members. Some of our department personnel are cross-trained as Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) or First Responders. Annually, our department responds to over 125 calls with approximately 80% of those calls being EMS related.

We offer a variety of opportunities to serve, each with a high level of satisfaction. Whether you serve as a firefighter, or emergency medical responder, few opportunities in life can match the satisfaction of knowing you’re making a difference in the lives of others.

The department accepts applications from adults regardless of gender, race, religious or sexual preference. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license, and pass a drug and alcohol screening. Applicants desiring to be firefighters and/or EMTs should be able to handle the physical requirements and demands of the job. Applications are available upon request by calling and leaving a message at the Station Office 712-484-3698 or request one from a current department member.



NAME                          CERTIFICATIONS/TITLE                     

Chad Gordon                CHIEF, FF, EMT-Advanced 

Randy Miller                  Assistant Chief                                     

Dan Easton                   FF1                                                      

Jeffrey Martens             FF1, EMT                                           

Randy Crum                  Paramedic                                           

Jordan Easton               FF, Fire Cap                                          

Carla Jarmin                 EMT                                                     

Jennifer Volz                 EMT-Advanced, EMS Captain                

Jamie Meek                  EMT, FF                                              

Jeffrey Driver                 FF1                                                      

Adam Hay                     EMT-Advanced, FF2, Assistant EMS Chief  

Brian Reed                    FF                                                        

Logan Mohr                   FF1                                                      

Ray Hough                    FF, Fire Captain, EMT                           

Rachel Blocker              FF                                                        

Brian Gardalen                                                                          

James Wahle                                                                            

Michael Slininger                                                                       

Lanie Pilling                                                                              

Kelly Pilling                                                                               

William Johnson